Started Pullets – 7 weeks old – Sapphire Sky


Offering four-week-old Sapphire Sky pullets.
Vaccinated for Marek’s Disease.

Pick up at Loudounberry Market. Please bring a transfer crate or box.
14917 James Monroe Hwy
Leesburg, VA 20176

No Shipping Available – LOCAL PICKUP ONLY!
For questions, please text Jeff @ 703-468-2425

SKU: N/A Category:


Sapphire Sky – Introducing the “Sapphire Sky” chicken breed, where beauty meets bountiful eggs!  With their striking appearance and tufted crowns, these eye-catching birds will make your flock soar.  Adapted to various climates, significantly warmer ones, they’ll bring a touch of celestial charm to your coop and egg-scape. Add some color to your flock and egg baskets with this beautiful breed that lays mostly olive-colored eggs!

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Select a Breed

Ameraucana, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Plymouth Blue Rock, Rhode Island Red, Isa Browns, Swedish Flower Hens, Wheaten Marans, New Hampshire, Delaware, Sapphire Sky